第98章 套取情报(1/1)
一位外国领导人惊讶地看着屏幕,用英语惊叹道:“Your weapons and the performance of your soldiers are truly outstanding! How did you manage to achieve such a high level of bat proficiency?″(你们的武器以及士兵的表现实在是太出色了!你们是如何达到如此高的作战水平的?)
厉霆琛转过身,脸上带着沉稳自信的微笑,用流利的英语回答道:“This is the result of years of rigorous training and continuous technological innovation. Our soldiers undergo strict selection and endure arduous training courses. Meanwhile, our R & D teams are constantly striving for perfection to ensure that our weapons and equipment remain at the leading edge.″(这是多年严格训练和持续技术创新的成果。我们的士兵经过严格选拔,并承受艰苦的训练课程。与此同时,我们的研发团队也在不断追求完美,以确保我们的武器装备处于领先地位。)
另一位领导人钦佩地点点头说:“Both your soldiers' teamwork ability and individual capabilities are outstanding. It seems that your training methods are really effective.″(你们士兵的团队协作能力和个人能力都很出众。看来你们的训练方法确实很有效。)
厉霆琛回答道:“Thank you. We not only attach importance to physical strength and tactical skills, but also focus on cultivating the spirit of unity and cooperation. During the training, we often conduct team exercises to enhance the mutual understanding and trust among soldiers.″(谢谢。我们不仅注重体力和战术技能,还注重培养团结协作的精神。在训练中,我们经常进行团队演练,以增强士兵之间的相互理解和信任。)
这时,又有一位领导人看似随意地开口,眼神却透着一丝狡黠:“Your military strategies seem to have some unique secrets. Can you share a bit more about the specific details of your recent technological breakthroughs? (你们的军事策略似乎有一些独特的秘密。能分享一下近期技术突破的具体细节吗?)”
厉霆琛微微眯眼,面上笑容未减,心中却瞬间洞悉对方意图,他不慌不忙地回答:“Our achievements are the result of the collective efforts of our entire military system. As for the details, they are part of our national security secrets and are not suitable for public discussion. We are more focused on how to better maintain regional and world peace and stability through our strength. (我们的成就是整个军事体系共同努力的结果。至于细节,这属于国家安全机密,不适合公开讨论。我们更关注的是如何通过我们的力量更好地维护地区和世界的和平与稳定。)”
其他领导人互相对视一眼,仍不死心,继续旁敲侧击:“Some of our countries are also very interested in certain advanced weapon systems. Maybe we can have some cooperation in this regard in the future? (我们一些国家对某些先进武器系统也很感兴趣。也许未来我们可以在这方面进行一些合作?)”
厉霆琛双手抱胸,眼神坚定而深邃:“Cooperation is possible, but it must be based on mutual respect and the premise of not harming national interests. At present, our focus is on the success of this joint drill and the improvement of the overall bat capabilities of the allied forces. (合作是有可能的,但必须建立在相互尊重和不损害国家利益的前提下。目前,我们的重点是这次联合演练的成功以及盟军整体作战能力的提升。)”
然而,那位心怀不轨的领导人眼珠一转,又挑起话头:“The way your soldiers coordinate is so precise. I wonder if there are some special munication codes or systems that enable such seamless cooperation? (你们士兵的配合如此精准,我很好奇是否有一些特殊的通讯代码或系统来实现这种无缝协作?)”
厉霆琛眼神中闪过一丝不易察觉的冷意,但语气依旧温和有礼:“It's all about the tacit understanding and trust cultivated through countless drills and actual bat experiences. There's no so-called special code. What we value is the spirit of every soldier and their dedication to the mission. (这完全是通过无数次演练和实战经验培养出来的默契与信任。不存在所谓的特殊代码。我们看重的是每一位士兵的精神以及他们对使命的奉献。)”
随着时间推移,战场上的局势逐渐明朗,华国军队的卓越表现让一些原本心存疑虑的国家也不得不承认其强大的实力。但那位试图套取情报的领导人仍未放弃,在众人准备离开指挥中心前往战后总结会议室时,他故意落后几步,靠近厉霆琛,低声说道:“I heard there are some new experimental weapons in your R & D pipeline. Maybe we could have a private conversation about potential cooperation opportunities? (我听说你们的研发管道中有一些新的实验性武器。也许我们可以私下谈谈潜在的合作机会?)”
厉霆琛停下脚步,转过身,眼神中透露出一丝威严:“Our R & D directions are always based on national defense needs and strategic considerations. At present, we are more concerned about the victory of this joint operation and the safety of our soldiers. Any cooperation needs to go through strict procedures and prehensive evaluations. (我们的研发方向始终基于国防需求和战略考虑。目前,我们更关心这次联合行动的胜利以及我们士兵的安全。任何合作都需要经过严格的程序和全面的评估。)”
旁边一位他国领导人似乎察觉到了什么,看似不经意地开口问道:“Is there any new situation? You seem to have received some important information. (是不是有什么新情况?你们似乎收到了重要的消息。)”
厉霆琛神色自若地笑了笑,回答道:“Just some routine reports on the progress of our troops. Nothing major. We are still focusing on the overall situation of this joint operation. (只是关于我们部队进展的一些常规报告。没什么大事。我们仍然专注于这次联合行动的整体局势。)”