第502章 新型蜜月(中上)(2/2)



我还琢磨着,下一道难题却已迎面而来,柯瑞安跟高辛辞寒暄两句居然又把目光放回我身上:“Miss Fu, could you give me your phone number? It would be more convenient for our future munication.”


“Wow, I just noticed you're wearing a ring. Are you married? Well, it makes sense. I think with your beauty, you must be pursued by many people.Your husband is a very lucky man.”



高辛辞咳了咳,伸手给柯瑞安倒了杯茶移到面前:“The weather in Yingjing is dry. Drink more water. I can tell your throat is a bit hoarse.”

柯瑞安顿了顿,似乎好像明白点什么,目光在我和高辛辞之间来回转悠:“Um... I'd like to ask a question, Leen. Is Miss Fu your wife?”


“No. She is my ex - wife.”小高同学抢答道。





此话一出连柯瑞安都有点难以置信,僵了许久,终于舒展眉头,结果开口更癫了:“Well... I'm sorry. I'm not sure if this should be considered good news. Miss Fu, may I take the liberty to ask if you have a boyfriend now?”

我怔了下,扯着嘴角笑笑:“Huh? I'm single. But Curian, what's the reason you're asking this...”


“Really? That's wonderful, Miss Fu. I want to court you. Do you know what love at first sight is? Miss Fu, I hope you can give me this chance. After today, may I invite you to have dinner with me? I know a really nice restaurant. I'm sure you'll like it...”



“Curian, she is my wife!”

“Haven't you two divorced? She's single now. I have the right to pursue her, and she has the right to choose between us.”柯瑞安十分不解的摆摆手。

高辛辞又急又气都站起来了,脸色涨得通红:“I'm planning to propose to her again! She... Although we got divorced, she's still the mother of my child. I won't give her up to anyone!”

小老外苦恼的摇摇头:“Oh, sorry Leen. You sound really overbearing. What do you think, Miss Fu? I'd like to hear your opinion.”


可惜了,下一秒小高同学就投来违约金警告,我只好幽幽的叹了口气,依旧要做惋惜的样子冲柯瑞安轻轻点头:“Sorry, Curian. I still consider myself Leen's wife. I love him. Thank you for your affection, but please forgive me for not being able to accept.”